(818) 716-8424

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Office Hours

M-TH 8:00AM-5:00PM |Fri 9:00AM – 6:00PM

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(818) 716-8424


Arrive to your appointment about 10-15 minutes early. This gives our team a chance to review information with you prior to the appointment. If you would like to get an extra jump on your visit you can click on the buttons below to fill out New Patient and Financial forms.

Your child should be informed of the visit and know the dentist and staff will explain all procedures and answer any questions. The less to-do concerning the visit, the better.

If you have dental anxiety or have had prior experiences which were less than ideal – try not to show or talk about your uneasiness with your children. They can pick up it and establish his or her own set of expectations based on your behavior.​

It is best to refrain from using words that can cause unnecessary fear, like needle, pull, drill, or hurt. Pediatric dental offices make a practice of using words that convey the same message, but are pleasant and non-frightening to a child.​

Use positive words to describe the upcoming visit. A relaxed, comfortable child will be able to associate those positive words with his or her trip to our office and really make for a smooth visit.​

Reading books about going to the dentist or “playing dentist” at home beforehand can be beneficial.​

Prepare your little one(s) by role playing with them about what our team will be doing. Get them comfortable opening his or her mouth and touching their teeth.​

Keeping a relaxed and positive attitude helps the most. Often a child’s behavior is related to their parent’s own anxiety.​

Talk to your children about going to the dentist. Let them know there will be laughing, toys, games and that we are going to make his or her teeth sparkle like a superhero or princess​

Don’t try to bribe your little one(s) to go to the dentist. This may give them the idea that going to the dentist is less than desirable.

Remember that your Pediatric Dentist is specially trained to handle fears and anxiety, and our staff excels at putting children at ease during treatment

Bring your complete patient information Form, Your Insurance Card and Your Smile!